
We have a music box at home for the kids. They love it. I’m not sure what the neighbours think though……

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Shortly after my first son was born, I noticed that ‘instruments’ (usually the plastic cheap kind) are popular toys. I LOVE music, so I took this as an opportunity to start collecting beautiful, traditional instruments…….after all, why buy the cheap baby versions?

We have a mix of percussion instruments, whistles, flutes, xylophones (I can’t believe I managed to spell that!), as well as some home made bits and pieces (pots filled with rice for example). The kids love it. I love it.

I’m not sure how I’ll justify playing with it all once they’re no longer interested……..





10 Downing Street

I’m just a little business. A mum. Working from home.

I had an idea and I ran with it.

I look after my children’s skin. Naturally. With products I designed, created, invented, myself.

And then this happened:


And i I found myself being ‘celebrated’ as one of 100 small businesses in the UK. 100 folks that had decided to ‘have a go’ and create something from scratch. “Come to Downing Street” they said. “We want to meet you” they said. Ha, I am so out of my depth! I was so uncomfortable in that long grey coat. And so cold! I’m a practical girl. I like ‘wet weather gear’ and ‘insulation’ and ‘walking boots’. Not dresses and stockings and shiny shoes.

I met this guy:


And some other MPs. Say what you will – I’m not a fan of politics. I wasn’t terribly impressed. But I WAS quite chuffed with myself. ‘Well done Cath’…..’These guys like your story’….. I guess I should be quite proud.